Buy Areva T&D, tgt Rs 2012:

Buy Areva T&D, tgt Rs has maintained buy rating on Areva T&D with target price of Rs 2012 with time horizan of 12-18 months in its July 07, 2008 report. "Areva (T&D) India plans for nearly Rs 700 crore. in capex to upgrade its technological capability to 1,200 KV in transformers (HVDC, instruments and distribution transformers), gas insulated switchgear and circuit breakers. These will be fully commissioned by the 2nd half of FY09 at Gujarat (Baroda), Karnataka (Hosur) and Tamil Nadu (Chennai). Areva (T&D) India plans for nearly Rs 700 crore. in capex to upgrade its technological capability to 1,200 KV in transformers (HVDC, instruments and distribution transformers), gas insulated switchgear and circuit breakers. These will be fully commissioned by the 2nd half of FY09 at Gujarat (Baroda), Karnataka (Hosur) and Tamil Nadu (Chennai). On the basis of our research, we feel that this is a good stock to buy at the current market price of Rs 1487.6. If everything goes well, the price is likely to appreciate to Rs 2012.0, within 12-18 months, translating into a gain of about 35%" according to report.

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